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Written by a NHS patient at Hinchingbrooke Hospital
5th June 2024

Dr Dahiya is the only doctor who has spent time actually explaining my osteoporosis and what it means. He has a really friendly manner which put me at ease and I completely understand my new treatment programme.

Written by a NHS patient at Bedford Hospital
5th June 2024

I saw Dr Dahiya after a referral from my GP to formalise a diagnosis for Fibromyalgia and rule out any other potential diagnosis. Dr Dahiya listened to all my symptoms, did a very thorough examination, and went through all my test results with me. He then took the time to carefully explain Fibromyalgia in way that was easy to understand for those of us without a medical background! He went on to provide self-help treatment options and exercise plans that are not only achievable with this condition but aim to drastically improve ongoing symptoms and provide natural pain management. It was a breath of fresh air to not just be offered more tablets and told to put up with the pain and other debilitating symptoms, and be given something holistic and natural that has a real chance of helping. Dr Dahiya has a very professional and engaging approach, and displays a sense of humour which made what could have been a stressful experience calm, relaxing and very informative. I cannot recommend Dr Dahiya and his approach highly enough.

Written by a NHS patient at Bedford Hospital
20th May 2024

Dr Dahiya has been an integral part in supporting me navigate my treatment programme for Fibromyalgia, and in a short period of time has helped me to minimise my symptoms considerably. He was able to quickly diagnose me, and provide me with both physical but also cognitive exercises to help with symptoms which were hugely impacting my day to day life. Not only this, from appointment to appointment he remembered our past conversations and was able to create a bespoke programme which fitted my lifestyle rather than giving generic advice. I've seen a lot of professionals over the last 18 months for the condition (although undiagnosed until meeting with Dr Dahiya), and Dr Dahiya was the only professional who was both informative, but also engaging and rather funny which allowed for relaxed and positive appointments!

Written by a NHS patient at Peterborough City Hospital
6th July 2023

I have been seeing Dr Dahiya for the past 16 years. Dr Dahiya is a unique Consultant, in my husband, Bob's, and my opinion, being extremely engaging and very funny in his care of me. Every single time I have met with Dr Dahiya he remembers everything said to him in previous visits, he always asks how my husband is doing. Bob used to attend every visit with me before Covid and I suppose now we have fallen into me going alone, but Dr Dahiya always asks how Bob is doing. This means a lot to me, he doesn't make me feel like a number, but that I am important and from talking to other patients who attend with him, I hear the very same things. Dr Dahiya is thorough, while being friendly and amusing, which is what we need at our worst times. Humour is what gets us through, he has bundles of that, thankfully. We feel very blessed to have been assigned Dr Dahiya as my Consultant. I have complete trust in him and he explains everything to me on my visits, being completely supportive and understanding of this terrible condition of which he has freed me from my acute pain and given me my life back. To sum up, Dr Dahiya is caring, kind, funny, respectful, compassionate, gracious to name, but a few adjectives. Dr Dahiya is, in our opinion, a credit to his vocation and we hope to have many more years of consultation with him. Unfortunately, this disease is probably here to stay and I would not wish for any other Consultant to care for me.

Written by a NHS patient at Peterborough City Hospital
24th May 2023

I have been a patient of Dr Dahiya for many years. He is, kind, caring and considerate and always listens with empathy and understanding. Ten years ago after my symptoms were not responding to the medication I was on he suggested Rituximab. It changed my life! I would recommend Dr Dahiya to anyone, he is everything you could wish for in a doctor and is a credit to the NHS.


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Consultant Rheumatologist based at Peterborough City Hospital and clinics also at
Stamford and Hinchingbrooke hospital.
Private clinic at Fitzwilliam Hospital Peterborough. Over 15 year experience of diagnosis and management of a wide range of rheumatological conditions such inflammatory arthritis, systemic vasculitis, connective tissue disease, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, sports and work related soft tissue injury.